This is the administrative resource page for the Worksystems/DPI Staffing program. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please reach out to Christina Rodriguez, Staffing Branch Manager.

Participant Application Link:

  • Click here to start application process

Administrative Forms:

  • New Participant Enrollment Notification (this form is sent to DPI Staffing to give a head’s up that employees will be applying soon, and to identify their funding source).

  • New Worksite Set Up (this form is completed to convey the information set up a Worksite in the DPI system; upon “submit” is it sent to DPI Staffing for approval)

  • New Work Experience (WEX) Information (this form is completed to set up the specific work experience roles to assign to Participants; upon “submit” it is sent to DPI Staffing for approval)

  • Participant WEX Assignment (this form is completed to connect an active Participant to a work experience)

  • Participants who Drive (this link is to be sent to Participants who are required to drive/operate a vehicle during the course of their assignment).

  • Participant Change Form (this form is used when a Participant has certifications to upload, resigns, is released from the program, their WEX ends, there is a funding source change, etc.)

  • Stipend Notification (this form is used to request that a participant be paid a stipend)

  • DPI Online Timesheet Manager Instructions (instructions on how to create an account and approving DPI timesheets for Worksystems participants.)

Contact List:

Helpful Links: