This is the administrative resource page for the Worksystems/DPI Staffing program. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please reach out to Christina Rodriguez, Staffing Branch Manager.
Participant Application Link:
Click here to start application process
Administrative Forms:
New Participant Enrollment Notification (this form is sent to DPI Staffing to give a head’s up that employees will be applying soon, and to identify their funding source).
New Worksite Set Up (this form is completed to convey the information set up a Worksite in the DPI system; upon “submit” is it sent to DPI Staffing for approval)
New Work Experience (WEX) Information (this form is completed to set up the specific work experience roles to assign to Participants; upon “submit” it is sent to DPI Staffing for approval)
Participant WEX Assignment (this form is completed to connect an active Participant to a work experience)
Participants who Drive (this link is to be sent to Participants who are required to drive/operate a vehicle during the course of their assignment).
Participant Change Form (this form is used when a Participant has certifications to upload, resigns, is released from the program, their WEX ends, there is a funding source change, etc.)
Stipend Notification (this form is used to request that a participant be paid a stipend)
DPI Online Timesheet Manager Instructions (instructions on how to create an account and approving DPI timesheets for Worksystems participants.)
Contact List:
Helpful Links:
Worksite Considerations (TBD)