12.04.2024 Bloodborne Pathogens
Full change to this existing policy to bring in line with OSHA requirements. There is a new link to the Hepatitis B vaccination form.
11.18.2024 Background Checks
Clarified existing policy slightly to better enumerate the automatic disqualifiers (e.g. violent and sex crimes, or unresolved cases involving these types of crimes).
10.15.2024 Warrants, Subpoenas & Other Legal Matters
Added new policy 618.
06.25.2024 New Entities
Added reference to the newer entities in policy 103.
01.24.2024 Paid Time Off
Added statement to policy 401 and 501 regarding failure to follow policy: “Please be advised that if your time off request is denied (and it is not a protected leave or other exigent situation) and you choose to take the time regardless, it will be addressed with escalated disciplinary action up to and including termination.”
01.09.2024 Holidays
Changed the Staff section to remove reference to MLK Jr. Day and the day after Thanksgiving as “Floating” holidays. The offices will be closed on these days going forward.
12.27.2023 Bereavement Leave
Added a clarification that employees of Northwest Success can receive up to 3 days of paid Bereavement Leave.
06.21.2023 Attendance
The Security section was updated to be more clear that absence notifications have to come in via phone call and “text messages or emails will not suffice except in cases where your immediate supervisor or dispatch are unavailable”
05.25.2023 - Issue Reporting
Changed to include a link to “Assistance Request” form (replacing the ‘Issue Reporting’ form. Slight changes made to procedural language.
04.19.2023 - Drug Testing
The ‘post-accident’ drug testing procedures were clarified to list exceptions to this policy (victims of third-party attacks and instances where significant time has elapsed from the date of injury and report date).
03.13.2023 - Computer/Technology Use
Expanded example list of prohibited technology.
03.02.2023 - Use of Force
Added this policy (formerly in the Security Handbook exclusively).
03.02.2023 - Arrests
Included this policy (formerly in Security Handbook exclusively)
02.28.2023 - Bloodborne Pathogens
Added this policy, which used to be exclusive to Northwest Success handbook, but now all Northwest Success policies are incorporated into this one DPI Policy Manual.
02.28.2023 - Admin Revisions
General, overall review to add hyperlinks and ensure that Janitors are referenced a long with Security Officers and Associates. No material changes.
11.07.2022 - Drug Testing
Edited to be clear that DPI only performs pre-assignment drug testing upon request from customers.
09.12.2022 - Defensive Spray
Added a policy that covers company-issued defensive spray for Security Officers.
08.23.2022 Paid Time Off
The policy changed for Security Officers (only) to allow unlimited rollover of unused hours into the next calendar year.
06.09.2022 Smoke/Tobacco/Vape-Free Environment
This policy was changed to expand from just “Smoke” to add other forms of Tobacco usage.
06.06.2022 Workplace Privacy
The policy title changed to “Workplace Privacy and Employee Information” (from “Workplace Privacy”) and two sections (“Employment Information” and “Media and Promotional Use”) were added. These sections serve to notify employees that there are situations where their information is shared with third-parties (e.g. benefit companies, customers for purposes of co-employment, etc.) and/or used for media publications. In most instances employees will be notified in advance.
06.01.2022 - Holidays
Updated policy to add Juneteenth to the list of holidays that are observed by both SCA employees and Staff.
05.18.2022 - Paid Time Off
Added additional, clarifying information regarding Staff RTO for use during illness: “or an illness not covered by any federal or state protection, but requires recovery time away from work”
05.11.2022 - Jury Duty
Added Staff section to RTO policy (to address how that time off program applies to jury duty)
05.05.2022 - Removed COVID-19 Pay Policy
This program (that ended in March) was removed from the website.
04/28/2022 - Background Check Policy
Moved “Any conviction for the attempt or commission of an offense against a person, including (but not limited to) kidnapping, battery or assault within the seven years prior to application.” from the automatic ‘disqualifiers’ to ‘considerations’
12/08/2021 - Holidays
Amended policy to address employees with ‘alternative workweeks’ (e.g. those who work four 10-hour days per week) and how holidays/holiday pay applies in that scenario.
12.07.2021 - Drug Free Workplace
Policy changed to include Drug Testing change and to add section regarding DPSST requirements:
Arrests. For our Security Department, DPSST requires that any certified security officer or manager that is arrested for a crime (inclusive of drug-related crimes) must report that arrest either to the employer or DPSST within 48 hours of the arrest.
12.07.2021 - Drug Testing
Changed drug test policy to remove ‘pre-employment’ testing, in lieu of ‘pre-assignment’ testing for customers that require drug screens.